Male Testimonia

Robert F. Shares His Story with EPI & Diarrhea

If I had to say it's a miracle drug, I would say it is!


EPI, Diarrhea




Olive Branch, MSโ€จ

This testimony is not a claim by GETRELIEFRX of any safety or efficacy. It is just their story. No compounded medicine is reviewed by the FDA for safety or efficacy.

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Robert F. shares how a compounded medicine transformed his EPI management, quickly improving symptoms and digestion. A remarkable difference from other drugs!

“This compounded medicine is a day and night difference compared to other drugs. When a doctor first diagnosed me with EPI (Endocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency), my pancreas wasn’t producing enough enzymes to digest food. Previously prescribed medication wasn’t doing everything it needed to do. I lost so much weight being on it because my diarrhea symptoms persisted. I reached out to Dr. Vance for a second opinion because I grew so frustrated. He prescribed this compounded medicine, and I’ve been taking it for two months now. I found it surprising! I never expected it to work that quickly. It’s amazing!”

GetReliefRX is a compounding pharmacy dedicated to providing compounded medication covering a range if symptoms.